Friday, 12 February 2016

Paying Homage to Eastwood Prep.

Like any good sheep/follower we should all respect the person, of which we have decided to use as an inspiration for our own works, so it is only fitting for me to do this while, passive-aggressively teasing my friend, and inspiration. 

Let's call her Michelle. 

You see my friend Michelle has her own blog which deals with not only her own personal life but the politics, religion and other topics that make mine seem less convincing and/or actually readable. So, I will not link her in fear of her blog undermining mine, although she's not as funny, at least I think that I am funnier. She gave the college we both share and go to, the fake name, Eastwood Prep. Although what might have caused her to use this name could have been tv shows or any other number of factors and thoughts that just scramble throughout her brain, I have hypothesized that it has to with the word "prep" being in it. I cannot and will not tell you dear readers why it is so, because inside jokes are better kept "inside".

Both mine and Michelle share similarities in our story at Eastwood Prep, although mind started of earlier than hers by approximately two years. EP is a school that teaches primary right up to A-levels because they rather like keeping the money of the student's middle-upper class parents money for the long run. Lucky for me, I entered at the ripe old age of 15. 

In the beginning of my life in EP I was doing what I did best, become an outcast, which used to work fairly well in a day school but in a boarding school like EP I cannot stress how important a friend can be. But I was a "late-bloomer" so to speak. I didn't want to know you I didn't want to talk to you I just wanted to be left alone. And only after an entire term later did I attempt to warm up to people. This however did not made it any easier to make friends, but seemed to make the task a lot harder. Because it is very difficult to make close bond with people that had made closer bond with others earlier, before I did. And so I was forced to adapt and discover new ways of making myself more "approachable", in this process, however I discovered my humor and my ability to make conversation with just about anybody I put my heart into. Basically I found out I was a closeted chatterbox. (Pun intended that's another story) I did mange to find friends and foster a close bond with several individuals and most I am very glad to say are some of my best of friends.

However, much like Michelle, the year we started lower sixth was the year both of us really felt accepted into the community. High school was a dog eat dog world, intertwined with a mixer of crappy pop music and expensive clothing. We were not capable of the same level of mature respect and understanding, till we made it to sixth form. I felt like a bud, that finally after the tough turmoil of dealing with name calling and homophobes, had just be planted into conditions that allowed me to bloom into what I felt was me all along, the me I never thought I would show anyone. I made so many friends in the past school year, and made such close bonds with the cream of the beautiful crop, I have never regretted anything since. Yes I love EP and I'm not the only one.

Your bro,

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